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Class Maps

The school's curriculum is based on a topic led approach to learning. Children learn best when they are having fun, when learning is purposeful and meaningful, and when they can apply newly acquired skills into 'real life' situations. 

Our curriculum is rich and varied. We have reviewed our curriculum in response to the Black Lives Matter movement, the death of George Floyd and to ensure that we are providing strong role models and challenging stereotypes. Our curriculum provides strong and positive representation and mirrors the diversity in our community. 

The curriculum caters for all learning styles: visual, kinaesthetic, tactile & auditory. Learning is enriched by the inclusion of a range of visits and trips, and by inviting visitors into school. We make much use of our proximity to local museums and galleries, travelling in to central London by train.

As well as the core subjects of English, Maths, Science, RE & ICT, we ensure that we cover the teaching of art, design & technology, geography, history, music, PE and Modern Foreign Languages. Information about the National Curriculum can be found here.

The school places considerable importance on equal access to the National Curriculum for all children. Children’s different needs are met within the classroom through the teacher’s careful planning for individuals or groups and Quality First Teaching. Teachers plan using pupils’ achievement levels, differentiating tasks to ensure progress for every pupil in the classroom.

When a pupil has been identified as having special educational needs, the curriculum and the learning environment will be further adapted by the class teacher to reduce their barriers to learning and enable them to access the curriculum more easily. The SENCo will meet with parents and we will work in partnership to ensure that each child's individual needs are met, and they have equal access to the curriculum (see Special Educational Needs).

We often organise 'enrichment' weeks, when there is a focus on a particular aspect of the curriculum. This gives us an opportunity to demonstrate how the learning in school is relevant to real life and parents come in to explain how they use the skills learned in school to their professional lives eg. in Maths' Week, we have had talks from parents about the work of an architect, a doctor, a fireman, a nurse.

We use some computer based programmes to support learning at home and at school. Please click on the links to take you to the log in page:

Purple Mash   


Times Table Rock Stars

Please find the curriculum map overviews for each year group below.