Visit Us
All parents wanting to apply for a place for a child at St William of York Primary School are encouraged to visit the school by booking on to one of our Parent Tours. If you are looking for a Reception place for your child in September, you can book a Parent Tour by calling the school office 0208 690 2842. If you are interested in a place in our Nursery, please use this booking form instead. If there is no availability on our Parent Tours, or you would like to request an alternative date, please email the school office.
In a Voluntary Aided school, the Governors are the Admissions Authority on behalf of the Archdiocese of Southwark. The school welcomes applications from families of all faiths, and families of no faith. All are welcome!
How to apply for a place in Reception Class for September 2025
You will need to complete the following steps:
- You will need to register and apply through the e-admissions website
- If you are a Catholic family, applying under criteria 2, you will need a priest to complete a copy of the Certificate of Catholic Practice. This form can be found below and will need to be submitted to school by the deadline below.
The closing date for applications is 15th January 2025.
If you require any further information, please contact Mrs Joanne Roper in the School Office on 0208 690 2842.
In-Year Admissions and Transfer between schools
If your child is currently at another school and you wish to move them to our school, you should telephone the school office in the first instance. This process is referred to as an In-Year Admission and parents must complete an In-Year Admission Form online which is available from the London Borough of Lewisham.
You do not need to be a Catholic to join our school, but if you are, we ask that you also complete a Supplementary Information Form and return this to the school office. The Section 9 of the application form must be completed by the Headteacher of your child's current school.
More information about the process can be found here.
Nursery Applications
Nursery applications are co-ordinated by the school office, please visit our Nursery Admissions page. Admission to the Nursery does not guarantee admission to the school at age 5, i.e. the Reception class.
Many, if not most of our children do transfer to our Reception Class, however, you do have to go through the Common Application Process, via the e-admissions website administered by the Local Authority.