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The governing body of the school is responsible for its strategic framework by establishing aims, objectives and policies for staffing, finance, premises and curriculum.

The Governors work closely with the Head Teacher and staff in setting standards, promoting school improvement and providing support.

Governors meet 4 times a year as a Full Governing Body.

There are 2 committees, which meet each term. There is a Finance, Premises, Health & Safety and a Personnel and Pay Committee. 

We have 2 Co-Chairs: Laurence Barber and Sabrina Fernandez and a Vice Chair: Margaret Connolly 

Our Independent Clerk to the Governors is Daniel Hudson.

Governors can be contacted by emailing (please add 'Governors' in the subject line). Your correspondence will be forwarded to the Co-Chairs of Governors.

Copies of the minutes of meetings are available from the Clerk to the Governors, by emailing