Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn term. I hope that you all had a restful half-term break. Now that the weather has turned a bit colder, please make sure that your child is wearing their sweatshirt and that they have a warm coat for school.
There are lots of SWOYSA events over the next few months. Please look ahead at the school calendar on the website so that you can save the dates. The next key event is a 'Table Top Sale of Pre-Loved Items' on Sunday 17th November at 12.30pm. You can sign up for a table to sell your pre-loved items or join us for some shopping! Also, below you will see information about Christmas tree sales and estate agent boards. Please do support if you can.
Our Scholastic Book Fair has arrived in school today and the children have all had an opportunity to visit the fair with their buddies. They have jotted down their top three book choices on an order form wish list. If you would like to order these books for your child, you can return the order form with payment to your child's class teacher. Alternatively, pop along to the Book Fair next week. The opening and closing times are listed below.
We also have arranged to take part in the TTRS England Rocks multiplication challenge next week. It's important that our children feel confident with their times tables so this competition is a great way to boost their enjoyment and knowledge. A separate email was sent out yesterday with all the details.
Kind regards
Hayley Mayers (Headteacher)