Dear Parents and Carers
It has been lovely to welcome so many parents and families into school this week for some of our end of term and Christmas celebrations. The children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 were absolutely fantastic in their Christmas Nativity 'The Fleece Force'. It was great to see the four classes come together with singing, dancing and acting; they all played their parts so well and we were very proud of them.
The Rock Steady Concert this week was also a huge success. We have lots of very talented musicians across the school and the bands performed exceptionally well. If your child is interested in joining one of our Rock Steady bands, you can find more information about signing up here.
I would also like to take this opportunity to say a massive 'Thank You' to SWOYSA and all of the parents and staff who made our Christmas Fair such a success last week. The winning raffle numbers can be found below.
As we approach our final week of the Autumn term, there are lots of reminders below about events that we have going on next week. Please do take the time to read through this section so you know what is happening each day.
Kind regards
Hayley Mayers (Headteacher)