Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you for all of your support with our Book Fair this week. It was great to see the children so engaged in choosing a book that interested them. I would also like to thank Ms Webster, our English Leader, for organising the fair and making it such a success!
We have had lots of exciting events in school this week! We had visitors from Catford Broadway Theatre, who led an assembly and talked about how to be a great audience for a pantomime. We will be taking all pupils, from Reception to Yr6, to see Sleeping Beauty in December - this is now available on ParentPay so please do make your contributions to cover the cost of this trip.
Our school caterers, Caterlink, also visited Yr1 & Yr2 this week to deliver a Smoothie-Making workshop. The children had a fantastic time learning all about nutrients and the benefits of fruit and vegetables. They enjoyed tasting their delicious smoothies! Caterlink will be back next week delivering workshops to Yr5 & Yr6.
We hope to see lots of you this Sunday 17th November at 12.30pm for SWOYSA's Pre-Loved Table Top Sale.
Kind regards
Hayley Mayers (Headteacher)